Selection Task 2023-2024

Hi there, Welcome to the A.T.O.M’s Selection Task of 2023-2024.

The TASK provided here are the selection criteria for joining the A.T.O.M society. Those who successfully finish the tasks within the alloted time frame will be qualified for an interview round in order to become a member of the A.T.O.M society.

The tasks are not only to test your problem solving skills but to also see your diligence to learn new stuff, the ablity to get the work done.

There are currently two types of selection tasks which are:
  1. Standard Task: In this beginner-friendly ROS (Robot Operating System) task, you’ll get hands-on experience with TurtleSim, a simple robot simulator in ROS. This task is designed for those who are new to ROS and want to learn the basics of controlling a robot.

  2. Specialized Task: This specialized task consists of two subtasks : one focused on CAD design and the other on electronics. Participants can choose to complete either subtask based on their expertise or interest . A little advanced task, requiring prior knowledge of the tech stacks to create a successful solution.


We encourage you to attempt more than one task. It will improve your profile and increase your chances of getting selected.


The Deadline for all the Tasks is: 16th October, 2023.