Using the access repo

All our passwords are stored in public gpg encrypted files in the access repository. The access repo above utilizes something called gpg to encrypt and decrypt the passwords.

If you have already uploaded your gpg key to then you can skip the primer section.

GPG ,a primer

GPG stands for GNU Privacy Guard. It basically uses two set of keys, a public key and a private key. These two keys are linked together. If I encrypt something with your public key then only you would be able to decrypt it with your private key. As the name implies a public key is something that can be shared with the public, whereas the private key should be kept secret.

How to get yourself a gpg key

First install gpg

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnupg2

Now generate the key

gpg --gen-key

After this command follow the prompts and answer all the questions it asks you. Post this, you will have generated a gpg private and public key.


gpg --list-keys

Uploading this key

Now that you have generated this key you need to upload it to a keyserver so others can discover and use it.

Step 1

Export your public key

cd ~
gpg --export --armor > public.txt

Step 2

Now head here and upload the public.txt file which you just generated which must be in your home directory

You will then be prompted to verify your email, complete this step and you’ll be done.

Setting up gopass and access repo

gopass is the tool we use which further uses gpg to encrypt and decrypt the passwords

Cloning the access repository

gopass clone

Now that you have cloned the repository, run gopass list to see the various accounts.

To view a password in plain text, run

gopass show <name of secret>

Running this would ask you your gpg password which you entered while creating your gpg key. If you don’t have access to the secrets, then you would get an error.